무엇이든 물어보세요

자주 묻는 질문

  • How do I use my coupon?

    • You can check the coupons you have on My Page > My Coupons and add it with a coupon code.
      You can either choose a coupon you have at checkout or enter your coupon code directly.
      Please note that the number of uses and the validity period is different for each coupon code. Make sure to check before using the code.
  • What coupon types are there?

    • At WAUG, we issue promotional coupons that can be used in WAUG services.
      Promo codes consist of 6 letters, numbers or both which provide up to 5-10% discount immediately upon payment.
      You can check them on our official Facebook page, Instagram, and Naver Post.
  • When are the points credited?

    • Points will be earned after using products.
      Please note that points will be credited after using the product and not before.
  • How do I earn points?

    • When you purchase a product, we provide 1% of the product price as a basic credit.
      You can use it like cash within WAUG services.